• Image of EDC plectrum
  • Image of EDC plectrum

I've played a guitar since I was a young lad although I wouldn't say I'm very good. As a teenager I played in a few bands and played some gigs. The majority of the time in bands I played bass, but guitar was always my love.

I picked up my first guitar when I was under 10 from the local music shop "Bonecat Music". As a young teen I would walk down the road to said shop and admire all the guitars on offer, and always leave with a pocket full of plectrums. There was a pick and mix style collection on the counter. 5 for £1. So most of my pocket money was spent there. I still have some of those plectrums, though now I exclusively play with Tortex...

Story time out of the way, I decided to make a couple of plectrums out of off cuts of material in the shop. Then I made a few more.
I've pretty much always had a plectrum in my pocket. Now I have a fancier one.

These are standard sized but they are much thicker and not rounded on the top and bottom. Although they can be used to play a guitar, they are designed as a novelty. Use at your own risk.

You absolutely could make these yourself, but if you can't be bothered, buy one of ours.